Wednesday, 4 July 2012

U Got Rejected ?

Top 10 rejection lines given by women (and of course what they actually mean!) 
1) "I think of you as a brother." - You have the sex appeal of a Franciscan monk. 
2) "There is a slight difference in our ages." - You are positively Jurassic. 
3) "I'm not attracted to you in that way." - The bulge in your trousers is just not big enough. 
4) "My life is too complicated right now." - I'm bonking seve...ral better-looking guys already. 
5) "I need some freedom to find my own space." - I want the freedom to find someone to fill my space. 
6) "I don't date men where I work." - I never date TWO men in the same office, because I'd get caught. 
7) "It's not you, it's me." - It's not me it's you! 
8) "I'm concentrating on my career." - Boring and unfulfilling as my job is, it is better than dating you. 
9) "I've decided to be celibate."- I'm already shagging someone else. 
10) "Let's be friends." - I want you to stay around so I can tell you in excruciating detail about all the other men I meet and have Rex with!

Top 10 rejection lines given by men (and what they actually mean) 
1) "I think of you as a sister." - You're ugly. 
2) "There's a slight difference in our ages." - You're ugly. 
3) "I'm not attracted to you in that way." - You're ugly. 
4) "My life is too complicated right now." - You're ugly. 
5) "I've got a girlfriend." - You're ugly. 
6) "I don't date women where I work." - You're ugly. 
7) "It's not you, it's me." - You're ugly. 
8) "I'm concentrating on my career." - You're ugly. 
9) "I'm celibate." - You're ugly. 
10) "Let's be friends." -- You're really ugly

Keep Laughing

Always Happy to Make You Laugh !

Atul Sikrai
Chief Humour Officer
Satango Silk